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Legal information

Website publisher

Office de Tourisme de Melun Val de Seine
26, place Saint-Jean 77000 MELUN
Tel: 01 64 52 64 52 - Fax : 01 64 56 07 15
Email: contact@otmvs.com

Publication manager

Corinne PICAUT – Director of the Melun Val de Seine Tourist Office

Website design

The Gobeliners
462 rue Benjamin Delessert 77550 Moissy-Cramayel
Tel: +33 (0)
Email: hello@thegobeliners.com
Website: www.thegobeliners.com

Website hosting

Kaféin Studio
SARL au capital social de 15 000 € RCS MELUN 789 950 177 00020
Code APE 6201Z - N° TVA : FR FR87789950177
Head office:  2 Rue du Pré des Aulnes, 77340 Pontault-Combault - France.
Email: bonjour@kafein.studio
Website: kafein.studio

Upgrade and corrective maintenance of the site

Kaféin Studio
SARL au capital social de 15 000 € RCS MELUN 789 950 177 00020
Code APE 6201Z - N° TVA : FR FR87789950177
Head office:  2 Rue du Pré des Aulnes, 77340 Pontault-Combault - France.
Email: bonjour@kafein.studio
Website: kafein.studio

Collection of personal data and cookies

Our servers are not configured to collect personal information on visitors to the site apart from the following technical data: source of connections (access provider), IP address, type and version of browser used.

Under no circumstances do we collect visitors' e-mail addresses unless they deliberately provide it to us. The only purpose of the traffic data and cookie files that we install on your computer is to enable us to analyse the number of visits to our information pages in order to improve their content. Data relating to visitor browsing is not used to identify individual visitors. It consists of aggregated statistics showing the most and least popular pages, preferred paths, activity levels by day of the week and by time of day, and the main client or server errors.

We remind you that you can block the installation of cookies on your computer using your browser software.


Crédits photo

  • Melun Val de Seine Tourist Office
  • Ville de Melun Val de Seine
  • Julien Meneret
  • Didier Paris
  • Collectif Images
  • Alticlic
  • Pascal Gaël
  • Jérome Mignon
  • Michel d’Anastasio
  • Frederic Miel
  • Sophie Loyd
  • Thierry Benne